
Spadoba offers an effective and convenient way to replace plastic discount cards with mobile application. For customers, Spadoba is a key to access privileges over all favorite places. What concerns business, Spadoba is a marketing and staff controlling tool, that drives profit increase.
  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


The customer expected to get complex technical development and support for Spadoba platform. We were asked to create backend, Android and iOS applications, promotional web site and web application for business.


We formed a dedicated agile development team for the project. We provided our best senior-level professionals in development, BA, QA and DevOps for Spadoba. The team has been scaled from 4 to 10 people. Development team has been managed via Scrum.

This project is currently under our development.


JavaScript, JQuery, React, Immutable.js, Backbone.js, Babel.js, Lodash, Webpack, Node.js, Gulp, Less, Bootstrap
PHP, Symfony Framework, Doctrine ORM, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached, Sphinx Search, RabbitMQ, RESTful API
Docker, Ansible, Jenkins CI, Zabbix, Logstash, Kibana, Grafana, Dedicated Servers, Amazon AWS
Objective C, iOS SDK, AFNetworking, Mantle, Firebase; Android, Java, Android SDK, Dagger2, RxJava/RxAndroid, SQLite, Gradle, Maven, Retrofit, Valley, OkHttp, Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC, camera, sensors, OpenGL, OpenCV
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