JAFME is a place where employers and employees meet each other. JAFME is focused on simplicity and usability.
www.jafme.com- Web
- Android
- iOS

We were asked to develop JAFME’s technical platform from scratch, starting with the original idea and vision of the founder.
We have created a dedicated team for this projects. Having started with two members (PM and BA/BI), the team grew up to 10 employers. We have provided the project with business intelligence, UX/UI, web and mobile development, and quality assurance. The backend was deployed to cloud platform. The development process was managed via Scrum.
The project was successfully finished and delivered to the customer.
- Frontend
- JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Gulp, Less
- Backend
- PHP, Symfony Framework, Doctrine ORM, MySQL, MongoDB, Memcached, Sphinx Search, RabbitMQ, RESTful API
- DevOps
- Ansible, Zabbix, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform
- Mobile
- Objective C, iOS SDK, AFNetworking, Mantle, Firebase; Android, Java, Android SDK, SQLite, Gradle, Maven, Retrofit, Valley, OkHttp, OAuth APIs