Kiosker is a digital magazine and book shop focused on special professional literature. With Kiosker user can buy a magazine or a book and read it using website or iOS/Android mobile applications. Special attention was given to a content safety and anti-piracy protection. Web
- Android
- iOS

Kiosker was a kind of mix of e-commerce and content delivery solutions. Anti-stealing protection was a cornerstone of the project.
From the beginning we created a team to work on this project. We made a website, integrated online payment-systems and created two mobile applications. To protect the content from stealing we used special embedded Flash reader at the website. All content was delivered to user encrypted, so extracting and distributing of the contents were impossible.
- Frontend
- JavaScript, JQuery, Less, Bootstrap, Adobe Flash
- Backend
- PHP, Zend Framework 2, Doctrine ORM, MySQL, MongoDB, Memcached, Sphinx Search, RabbitMQ, JSON-RPC API
- DevOps
- Ansible, Zabbix, Dedicated Servers
- Mobile
- Objective C, iOS SDK, AFNetworking, Mantle, Firebase; Android, Java, Android SDK, Android NDK, C/C++, SQLite, Gradle, Maven, Retrofit, Valley, OkHttp, WiFi, camera, OAuth APIs